4.A Management and dissemination

Work Packages
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The WP 4.A aims to ensure the management of the Centre’s activities and, overall, the promotion of its activities, such as organising events, ensuring the delivery of mandatory reporting outputs, the allocation of funds and overall oversight of the consortium’s economy. Due to its scale and intensity, the project will be managed by a project manager, appointed by the principal investigator, within the day-to-day management.

Principal Investigator
  • Mgr. Miroslav Havránek (CENIA)
  • všichni partneři
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Work Package Publications

4.A - Konference Životní prostředí - prostředí pro život 2021

Sborník abstraktů



4.A - Konference Životní prostředí - prostředí pro život 2022

Sborník abstraktů



4.A - Konference Životní prostředí - prostředí pro život 2023

Sborník abstraktů



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