Analysis of the development and potential of waste and circular economy in the context of the strategic direction of the Czech Republic, prediction of further development and prioritisation in line with the main policies of the Czech Republic and the EU.
The starting point for a solution is to thoroughly identify the current state of construction and demolition waste management and its potential in the circular economy. In particular, it is a matter of identifying the prevention of construction waste and the methods of recovering secondary or recoverable raw materials and materials in the removal of structures. Here the issue of selective demolition will be addressed as the most important way to obtain a quality source of secondary raw materials and materials for the construction industry. Furthermore, their subsequent treatment modalities and their application procedures will be addressed in particular in the production of building materials and parts. In the context of recycling construction and demolition waste, it is becoming necessary to reduce the amount of hazardous substances in construction and construction materials, both for products made from primary raw materials and, in particular, for products made from secondary raw materials, materials and waste. There are a number of routes to this end. The project will address the reduction of the potential for leaching of contaminants from the products by creating a solid silicate matrix in the form of solidifies, the use of granulates in the form of solidifications in the form of solidifications containing category waste hazardous to the railway bed by mobilised pollutants or for the rehabilitation of the effects of mining activities. The project will also include solutions for the recovery of waste from incineration in the construction sector. This includes, in particular, the production of artificial aggregates mainly used for low-capacity roads (e.g. forest and field roads and itineraries), service roads or car parks.
Principal Investigator |
Co-Investigators |

Work Package Publications
1.A - Hela R., Křížová K. - Využití odpadů z demolic cihelných a betonových objektů jako částečné či úplné náhrady přírodních plniv do cementových betonů
Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva
1.A - Škopán M., Kašpárek J., Zeizinger L. - Možnosti zvyšování využití recyklátů ve stavebnictví
Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva
1.A - Drochytka R., Černý V., Hodul J., Mészárosová L, Figala P. - Výzkumná zpráva o možnostech snížení nebezpečných látek ve stavebních materiálech
Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva
1.A - Václavík V., Čablík V., Botula J., Dvorský T., Hela R., - METODIKA „Zlepšování postupů selektivní demolice v rámci prevence předcházení vzniku odpadů a dalšího využití stavebních a demoličních odpadů“
1.A - Kolektiv autorů - Identifikace stavebních objektů obsahujících ve vnější obálce stavební materiály obsahující azbest
Specializovaná mapa s odborným obsahem