How to forecast waste production? The new TiramisO software can help.
How to forecast waste production? The new TiramisO software can help.
Do you want to know how we sort waste in the Czech Republic? Is it sufficient or do we have something to improve? Are you interested in how to forecast waste production, even up to the year 2040? If the answer is yes, then the unique software tool: TiramisO is freely available for you to use from the Ministry of the Environment. You can learn more in the Ministry of Environment’s press release [CZ].
The software was created by experts from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, as part of research financially supported in the BETA2 Programme of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic.
Research within the CEVOOH project is built on the basis of this software tool and uses it. Within work package 1.F, which focuses on issues in the area of national monitoring of Circular Economy under the leadership of doc. Ing. Martin Pavlas, Ph.D. (VUT), a report was prepared, for example, analyzing the forecast of construction and demolition waste (group 17) or a report prepared for textile waste. Both partial reports summarise the substantial results of the forecast in relation to the TiramisO tool and complement it with the analysis of waste disposal. The results of the forecast of the development of group 17 are also consulted with experts from other work packages of the CEVOOH project (e.g. WP 1.A Construction and Demolition Waste led by doc. Ing. Miroslav Škopán, CSc. from VUT). Similarly prepared forecasts could be an important background material for the creation of Waste Management Plans (POH).
The TIRAMISO application is available for interested members of the public, companies and municipalities HERE [CZ].