Save the date: Environment – Environment for Life Conference 2023
The Czech Environmental Information Agency invites you to the 4th edition of the Environment – Environment for Life Conference, which will take place on 2nd and 3rd November 2023 in the Balling Hall of the National Technical Library in Prague.
The conference will provide a meeting place for experts and the general public, who are united by an interest in the environment in all its components, and will thus enable a broader discussion of issues related to the current environmental challenges in the national and global context.
Participation and presentation at the conference are primarily invited by research teams that participate in the project solutions of the Programme Environment for Life, whose provider and implementer is the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. In case the capacity of contributions from this programme is not filled, we would like to welcome among the speakers representatives of project teams from other programmes whose focus is in line with the priorities of this programme and our conference.
At the moment, book a date in the calendar and follow the conference website and our Facebook profile, where we will specify further details.
We look forward to meeting you.