Call for Abstracts to the Conference Environment – Environment for Life 2023
The Czech Environmental Information Agency, with the support of the Ministry of the Environment and the Technological Agency of the Czech Republic, is organizing the 4th edition of the Conference Environment – Environment for Life, which will take place on 2nd and 3rd November 2023 traditionally in the Balling Hall of the National Technical Library in Prague.
The conference will provide a meeting place for both the professional and the general public, who are united by an interest in the environment in all its components, thus enabling a broader discussion on issues related to the current environmental challenges in the national and global context.
Participation and presentation at the conference are invited primarily by research teams participating in projects of the Programme Environment for Life, whose provider and implementer is the Technological Agency of the Czech Republic. In the event that the capacity of contributions from this programme is not filled, we would like to welcome among the speakers also representatives of project teams from other programmes whose focus is in accordance with the priorities of this programme and our conference (the inclusion of other projects from other programmes will be assessed by the conference programme committee).
The conference will be conceived both in the form of selected contributions of individual participants and in the form of discussion. The conference will also include a poster section. The official language of the conference is Czech, but lectures can also be given in English.
length of the contribution – 20 minutes (including discussion)
format – ppt and pptx presentations
If you are interested in speaking at the conference, please send us the title and a short description of your contribution via the respective template, both in Czech and English. The abstracts sent by the conference participants will be used for preparing a collection of abstracts.
Send the completed template to the email address konference@cenia.cz no later than 10. 9. 2023. We will inform you of the receipt of your contribution by 20. 9. 2023.
If you are interested in the poster presentation, please send us the title and description of the poster in Czech and English using the respective template to the email address konference@cenia.cz no later than 10. 9. 2023. Posters can be prepared in both Czech and English. We will inform you of the receipt of your poster by 20. 9. 2023.
Poster dimensions A0 (841 × 1,189 mm)
Registration for the conference is mandatory for all participants, including speakers. You can register via the form here no later than 1. 10. 2023.
More information about the conference can be found here (in CZ).