Environment – Environment for Life 2023 – the Conference Overview
From 2 to 3 November, the Czech Environmental Information Agency hosted the conference Environment – Environment for Life. The event was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Environment and with the support of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and provided space for a meeting and discussion of the professional and public who are united by the interest in the environment in all its components in the national and global context. A video recording of the conference, individual presentations and photographs from the event are available on the conference website.
The first day of the conference was presented with partial outputs and results of the project Centre of Environmental Research: Waste and Circular Economy and Environmental Security (CEVOOH), which is supported by the Environment for Life programme and whose main coordinator is CENIA. The second day of the conference was devoted to the presentation of the intentions and outputs of other projects supported by the programme of the Ministry of the Environment to support applied research, experimental development and innovation in the field of environment – Environment for Life, or other programmes that are in line with the priorities of the conference.
Video footage is available here and photographs are available here. Book of abstracts can be downloaded here and individual presentations can be found in the Programme section of individual lectures.