Research on the strategy for limiting the risk of crisis situations caused by hazardous chemicals in the Czech Republic in the context of the strategic direction of the Czech Republic, predicting further development and setting priorities in line with the main policies of the Czech Republic and the EU.
Research in this part of the project will focus on all the technical aspects of major-accident prevention, from conceptual and strategy papers to sub-methodological recommendations for selected parts of the major-accident prevention system caused by hazardous chemicals. The main output would be the overall concept of major-accident prevention for the Czech Republic, which would also include experience and policies from abroad. The concept will cover all the linkages of combined risks to the existing major-accident prevention system, including the link for so-called non-classified enterprises.
Other activities in this WP will focus on methodological recommendations on key aspects of major-accident prevention that are systemically related. The research will be carried out in the areas of safety culture, cyber security, object ageing and maintenance, major accident prevention tools including software models, in various industrial activities with a major focus on waste and circular economy. The research will identify types of major-accident scenarios that may occur for selected specific substances in typical industrial plants.
The research activity will be consulted with representatives of the LRU, with experienced external experts from industry and governmental bodies being involved in the team.
Principal Investigator |
Co-Investigators |

Work Package Publications
3.A - Bernatík A. - Stárnutí objektu
Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva
3.A - Řezáč F., Vozňák M. - Kybernetická bezpečnost
Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva
3.A - Skřínský J. - Softwarové nástroje
Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva
3.A - Sikorová K. - Nástroje PZH
Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva
3.A - Bernatík A. (2023): Kultura bezpečnosti
Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva