
Introducing: VSB – Technical University of Ostrava

A university with a rich history dating back to the middle of the 19th century, as well as an institution offering education in a wide range of fields of study and science within seven faculties – this is the VSB – Technical University of Ostrava (VSB – TUO). Already the third partner involved in the …

Introducing: Brno University of Technology

With its history, the Brno University of Technology (BUT) ranks among the oldest universities in the country, and was even the first Czech university in Moravia. It was founded as the Czech Technical University in Brno in 1899, and the institution has had its current name since the 1950s. Nowadays, it is a university reaching …

How to forecast waste production? The new TiramisO software can help.

How to forecast waste production? The new TiramisO software can help. Do you want to know how we sort waste in the Czech Republic? Is it sufficient or do we have something to improve? Are you interested in how to forecast waste production, even up to the year 2040? If the answer is yes, then …

Introducing: The T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute, v. v. i.

The Centre of Environmental Research: Waste Management, Circular Economy and Environmental Security (CEVOOH) was established with the support of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic as part of the 2nd public competition of the Program for the Support of Applied Research, Experimental Development and Innovation in the Environment – Environment for Life. The project …

Photo by Deeksha Pahariya on Unsplash

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